
  • For those of you interested in a copy of Warren's talk at the banquet (the slime mold movies are imbedded, so it is a big file):

Click here for the slides from Warren Powell's banquet speech.

Optimization continues to grow as we face new problems, creating new challenges for optimization models and algorithms. Big data and machine learning have created an entirely new set of applications, as was highlighted in the successful 2014 conference at Rice University, but many other problems continue to arise. We need to solve ever larger integer programs, more complex nonlinear programs, and the broad spectrum of problems that introduce different forms of uncertainty.

The theme of "optimization and learning" is designed to highlight not just the very visible problems introduced by big data and machine learning, but also the need to learn: about new applications as well as new theoretical and computational paradigms. For this reason, the 2016 meeting will feature a series of tutorial sessions designed to introduce people to new applications and new lines of investigation.

The 2016 version of the IOS optimization conference will be held on the campus of Princeton University, March 17-19. With hopes that spring will be emerging by then, the conference will emphasize the introduction of new ideas, as well as continuing to report on significant advances.

Nassau Hall