Physical Distribution

Godfrey, G. and W.B. Powell, “An Adaptive, Distribution-Free Algorithm for the Newsvendor Problem with Censored Demands, with Application to Inventory and Distribution Problems,” Management Science, Vol. 47, No. 8, pp. 1101-1112, (2001). (c) Informs.

This paper proposes a novel approximation procedure for stochastic resource allocation problems. The technique works with a series of stochastic gradients which are then used to maintain a concave estimate of the value function. When applied to problems with known optimal solutions, the method provides results within a fraction of a percent of optimal. One byproduct is a fast algorithm for the newsvendor problem that does not require knowledge of the underlying demand distribution. The technique is also applied to separable distribution problems.

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“Models and Algorithms for Distribution Problems with Uncertain Demands,” Transportation Science, Vol. 30, No. 1, pp. 43-59 (with R. K.-M. Cheung). (c) Informs

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