General Interest

Simao, H. P., J. Day, A. George, T. Gifford, W. B. Powell, “An Approximate Dynamic Programming Algorithm for Large-Scale Fleet Management: A Case Application,” Transportation Science, published online doi 10.1287/trsc.1080.0238 (c) Informs

This is a major application paper, which summarizes several years of development to produce a model based on approximate dynamic programming which closely matches historical performance. The model represents drivers with 15 attributes, capturing domicile, equipment type, days from home, and all the rules (including the 70 hour in eight days rule) governing drivers. The model gets drivers home, on weekends, on a regular basis (again, closely matching historical performance). The value functions produced by the ADP algorithm are shown to accurately estimate the marginal value of drivers by domicile.

(click here to download paper) See also the companion paper below:

Simao, H. P. A. George, Warren B. Powell, T. Gifford, J. Nienow, J. Day, “Approximate Dynamic Programming Captures Fleet Operations for Schneider National,” Interfaces, Vol. 40, No. 5, pp. 342-352, 2010. (c) Informs

This paper is a lite version of the paper above, submitted for the Wagner competition. This paper does with pictures what the paper above does with equations.

(click here to download paper)


Powell, W.B., “Real-time dispatching for truckload motor carriers,” in Logistics Engineering Handbook (G. Don Taylor, ed.), CRC Press, 2007, pp. 15-1 – 15-30. (c) CRC Press.

This paper describes our experience implementing a real-time optimization model at Burlington Motor Carriers. Intended for a broad audience, it describes the basics of the model and some of tbe behind-the-scenes events that were encountered during implementation.

(click here to download paper)

Powell, W.B., A. Marar, J. Gelfand, and S. Bowers, “Implementing Operational Planning Models: A Case Application from the Motor Carrier Industry,” Operations Research, Vol. 50, No. 4, (2002). (c) Informs

This paper summarizes our experience implementing a real-time load matching model at a large motor carrier. As part of the research, we compiled a roughly six month history of actual dispatch decisions, and then compared what actually happened to what our model would do. The company was liquidated about five years after the project was terminated. Makes you wonder what might have happened if they had used the systems more aggressively.

(click here to download paper)

J.B. Braklow, W. Graham, K. Peck, S. Hassler, and W.B. Powell, “Interactive Optimization Improves Service and Performance for Yellow Freight System,” Interfaces, Vol. 22, No. 1, 1992, pp. 147-172. This paper was our entry for the 1991 Franz Edelman Competition, in which we were a finalist. (c) Informs

This was a finalist in the 1991 Franz Edelman competition, and for many years one of the most requested videotapes from the Edelman library. The paper documents a strategic planning system implemented at Yellow in the late 1980’s which is still in production at Yellow as of this writing (2005). The system uses interactive optimization techniques to build a service network that delivers packages both efficiently and with high service.

(click here to download paper)

Powell, W.B., Y. Sheffi, K. Nickerson, K. Butterbaugh and S. Atherton, “Maximizing Profits for North American Van Lines’ Truckload Division: A New Framework for Pricing and Operations,” Interfaces, Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 21-41 (1988). This paper was our entry for the 1987 Franz Edelman competition, in which we placed second. (c) Informs

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“Finding the Yellow Brick Road” is a seven part series that is written in short-story format, that is intended to give the reader an idea of some of the issues that arise from a management perspective. The paper features an academic consulting (modeled after myself) and the president of a trucking firm, modeled after Don Mayoras (currently the president of two trucking firms). The sequence appeared as the following papers:

Powell, W.B. and D. Mayoras, “Finding the Yellow Brick Road: Part I, “Toto, I Have a Feeling We’re Not in Kansas Anymore!”, Interfaces, Vol. 26, No. 5, pp. 26-33 (1996). (c) Informs

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Powell, W.B. and D. Mayoras, “Finding the Yellow Brick Road: Part II, “Lions and Tigers and Bears!”, Interfaces, Vol. 26, No. 6, pp. 57-67 (1996). (c) Informs

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Powell, W.B. and D. Mayoras, “Finding the Yellow Brick Road: Part III, “The Wizard of Oz”, Interfaces, Vol. 27, No. 1, pp. 143-154 (1997). (c) Informs

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Powell, W.B. and D. Mayoras, “Finding the Yellow Brick Road: Part IV, “I Wish I had a Brain”, Interfaces, Vol. 27, No. 2, pp. 37-47 (1997). (c) Informs

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Powell, W.B. and D. Mayoras, “Finding the Yellow Brick Road: Part V: Through the Crystal Ball” Interfaces, Vol. 27, No. 3, pp. 14-21 (1997). (c) Informs

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Powell, W.B. and D. Mayoras, “Finding the Yellow Brick Road: Part VI: Courage!” Interfaces, Vol. 27, No. 4, pp. 12-22 (1997). (c) Informs

(Click here to view paper)

Powell, W.B. and D. Mayoras, “Finding the Yellow Brick Road: Part VII: I Finally Have a Brain!,” Interfaces, Vol. 27, No. 5, pp. 9-14. (1997). (c) Informs

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